Trent L. Todd
Business Representative, Indianapolis / Lafayette

Trent L. Todd was appointed as Business Representative effective March 10, 2007, and served as Organizer of SMW Local #20 from September 10, 2005 through March 9, 2007.
Trent was born in Bedford , Indiana. He and his wife Erin have two children, Grant and Graycen. Trent is a graduate of Bedford North Lawrence High School, and has attended Vincennes University and Ivy Tech State College.
Trent became a member of Sheet Metal Workers Local No. 20 in 1995, where he served his apprenticeship from May 1996 to 2001. He has served on various steering committees including the Negotiating Committee for the 2005 Contract, Area Funds Committee, Dad’s Day Volunteer and Youth-to-Youth Program. In his free time, Trent enjoys riding his motorcycle and spending time with his family.